Thursday, January 12, 2012

It All Started with A Map

I am about to undergo an experience of a lifetime. In just a mere 7 days I will begin my voyage around the world. Over the past several months, I have been asked on numerous occasions why I chose to do SAS as opposed other programs. My standard reply was either:
  1. I am getting to see places that although I would want to travel to, I don’t know if I would have the opportunity (or my parent’s blessings) --- let’s be serious although I would want to go to India, can you really see Jill being okay with that?! 
  2.  I am a horrible decision maker, therefore SAS is the perfect solution as it allows me to go to 11 different countries!
There was another reason that was always left out, however, is probably one of the major reasons I chose this program. Semester at Sea brings me one step closer to following in my Grandfather’s footsteps. Grandfather was a “serious traveler” one of those people who actually made it to all 7 continents--- yes that does include Antarctica. For as long as I can remember I was always fascinated by a map that hung in my grandparents house in which my Grandfather placed a silver pin for every country he had traveled and a red pin for those that he was accompanied by my Grandmother.

My Grandfather used this map to mark his travels... looks like I'll be needing one of these too! 

As I embark on this once in a lifetime voyage, I sail for my Grandfather with the knowledge that if Grandfather were here today he would not only give me his blessings to sail around the world, but very likely would be traveling beside me!

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