Sunday, April 22, 2012

Could it be that CK lives 367 Days?

Helllooo Helllooo just wanted to post a quick HELLLOOO from the deep blue Pacific Ocean as all of you have seen I have been slacking on the blog posts, but want to show my face (or my writing) and say I AM ALIVE, not to worry!

The posts will be coming slowly as I am currently busy getting caught up on school work that has built up over the past month or so… why I’m letting homework getting in the way of writing my blog is still something I am struggling with hmmm… We are currently on our 11 day trek to Hawaii ;/ ;/ ;/ Obviously I am stoked to go to Hawaii, however this is our last port so it’s hard to actually get excited. This entire week I have been questioning where in the world (hahah) the past 3 months have gone? The time has flown by (or I guess more correctly it has sailed by) and I am not at all ready to be done. If any of my fans would like to plan/fund WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CK- Season 2, please contact me ASAP!

That being said, I want to update you on the AMAZING phenomenon that occurred to THE Caryn Alyse Klein a few days ago… can you guess? Alright, alright I’ll tell you… I lived my 2nd Friday April 20, 2012. Over the night we crossed the International Date Line and therefore re-did the day! My computer doesn’t think this concept is nearly as cool as I do as poor poor Mac-y (my Macbook computer) is all confused how I worked on documents “tomorrow” teheheh… these were documents that I worked on before I turned my clock back a day… Opps!

If you don’t understand the above paragraph, then simply put, I am now 8 hours behind the East Coast… booo I really liked being ahead of all ya’all! LAME!

Additionally, I wanted to show everyone how Mara, the SDT house mom correctly predicted that I would take over the MV Explorer as the Captain hand selected me to be the newest Staff Captain of the MV Explorer!

Well, maybe he didn’t actually do that, but the other day my friends and I took a bridge tour! We really enjoyed learning all about the ship… a few fun facts to leave you with:
·        There are currently 197 crew members that work on the MV Explorer
·        They only steer the ship when they are close to the port, otherwise it is on automatic (minor-ly terrifying!)
·        The boat is officially registered in Nassau, Bahamas this is why we always wave the Bahamas flag proudly when in port! Additionally, it is common nautical courtesy to hang the country flag of the place we are visiting…

Cheerio Young Lads, I shall go to work on my Vietnam/ Cambodia blog and hope to have that posted in the next few days! 

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