Thursday, March 8, 2012

Elephants, Zebras, and Wine--- OH MY! CK does South Africa

Helllooo Helllooo from the Indian Ocean! This boat is a ROCK N ROLLLLLIN---more on the weather situation at the end of my posting, but lets start out with something exciting such as my time in South Africa!

Day 1- Friday February 24th
We woke up to a beautiful Friday morning in Cape Town (and when I say beautiful I mean a 11/10 on the Andy Klein weather channelclear skies and perfect temperature). Getting off the boat in South Africa was a little bit different than in other countries because we each had to physically give South African immigration officials our passports so that they could clear us through immigration I know what you are thinking--- clearing 900 people in a timely fashion? You probably didnt get off the boat until at least noon, but rest assured, SAS has these types of things down to a science. I would say that it took at most an hour to get everyone through immigration. Instead of having us all line up and wait to go through, they simply called out our halls (which on the boat are referred to as seas--- such as the Mediterranean Sea *cough the best sea cough*, Yellow Sea, Caribbean Sea, and so on) This system was ideal for me as per usual I was not all packed, so I was able to do last minute packing before leaving for the day.

According to the rumor mill (and again I like to quote my sources as I dont want to be accused of misleading my fan club), from here on out we will have to do a similar immigration process as almost all of our remaining ports are more developed/ developing countries, thus they follow this procedure.

Anyway, now for the actual interesting details about what Day 1 in Cape Town entailed I was scheduled for a field trip to a wine tour (The Warwick Estates) for my Operations Management classyes, you read correctly, I got to go on a wine tasting field trip for class credit (how many jealous people are out there right now!?)

When we arrived at the Warwick estates, we broke into 3 groups and did a rotating cycle of 3 different stations. My group began with a tour of the winery in which we got to see wine production. A few interesting facts that I learned from the winery:

1.      Warwick Estates handpicks each and every grape that is used for their wine. This is because if they were to have a machine pick the grapes, they would lose control over the quality of the grape
2.      They make 80% red wine and 20% white wine
3.      Red wine doesnt start with a red color, but rather the juice is all white and then they add in the red skin after the juice has been taken out of the grapes to give it the red color
4.      We were able to taste the grapes that are used for the wine and they are so much smaller than the grapes we are used to to give you an idea, I would say they were even smaller than the size of a marble! (Now that I write to all of you, I wish I had snapped a picture of them!)

After the production tour we went on a safari ride (with the safari jeep and all) through the wine lands so we could actually see where they grow the grapes. As we drove past a patch of grapes that were used for a particular type of wine, the driver would compare the wine to one of the Big 5 animals. Whats the Big 5 you maybe wondering, well thanks to Eileen Kerwin for doing her homework and correctly answering the trivia question:

For those of you who are not aware, when going on a safari in Africa, generally people will ask you how many of the big 5 animals did you get to see? The term the big five was originally used only by hunters, in which they classified these 5 animals as the hardest to capture these animals are: lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino.

Here is a picture of some of my class from the wine land tour too bad for Jilly and Andy that we didnt need parent chaperones for this field trip to think that I thought the 5th grade trip to Williamsburg was cool! Hahah ;)


After the ride, it was time for the wine tasting. At which we got to taste the delicious wines, and lets just say there was plenty of wine to taste ;) At this same point, they told us the story about how the Warwick logo came to be--- in a nutshell a silversmith wanted to marry a Kings daughter, but the King didnt think he suited his daughter well, yet they were madly in love. After much begging, the King decided that if the silversmith could create a cup where the silversmith and his daughter could both drink from the cup at the same time, without his daughter holding on, then he would be would be deemed worthy to marry his daughter. Of course, the King didnt expect for the silversmith to actually be able to complete this task, but the next day the silversmith and the princess come back to the King to show him the cup he has created the King is completely shocked by his creation and allows the silversmith to marry his daughter! As you can see below, here are Justine (playing the mans role) and me (playing the womans role) using what is now the logo for the Warwick company!


Finally, our wine tour concluded with a rather scrumptious picnic lunch! It was so cute, they gave us these boxed lunches that blow away SASs boxed lunches any day we had delicious lox, cheeses, salads, and baguette rolls I could really get use to that kind of fine dining all the time!

We arrived back to the ship by 3:00 PM and I had until 8:00 PM to explore Cape Town (I had to take a cab to the airport). Although it seems like I had 5 hours to explore Cape Town, in reality I only had about 3 hours--- have to factor in

1.      Time for dinner
2.      Of course its me, thus I needed to allot enough time to putz (spelling?!) around--- we all know how long it can take me to get out the door when packing (even when Roys not there to distract me theres your shout out Marisa!)

Side Notes:
·        I was flying to Johannesburg for my safari to Kruger National Park
·         I was on a safari with 7 other SAS girls
·        Because Alexa and I had to do field trips on Friday, we took a later flight than the rest of the group.

My friends and I decided to keep it low key by just going down to the V&A Waterfront/ Mall the Waterfront reminded me a lot of something that you would see back in the States, but prettier of course because you have the beautiful Cape Town back-drop. We walked around the mall for a while which was a lot of fun because I noticed a lot of differences between a South African mall and the American malls which I know and love
·        Stores are grouped by theme/ genre--- all the electronic stores in 1 wing, mens apparel, childrens apparel, etc.
·        They had a grocery store in the mall--- correct me if I am wrong, but we certainly dont have a full fledge grocery in Monkey Mall (shout out to my Montgomery Mall fans)
·        In the grocery store, they use electronic price tags that they put out on the shelves for each item--- this is instead of the paper tags, which we have in our stores. By using these electronic tags, they can save a lot of time when they have sales/ specials because they can simply use a computer to switch the prices! How cool!
·        For a long time my friends and I roamed the mall aimlessly in search of the mall directory we ended up asking someone who pointed us to what appeared to be an advertisement screen (like those we see in the center of our malls), but low and behold once you touch the screen out of no where there appears a mall directory in which you can navigate all via touch screen this screamed WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY!

Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the ship, I am happy to admit that I managed to stick to just window shopping, in all honesty, I have never been a huge fan of shopping (gasp, how can I be an American girl if I dont like to shop?), so I was much happier just looking through the mall and not having to deal with trying clothes on and what not! On our way back to the ship, I made sure to stop by the Coke Man (thanks to Auntie Adrian for telling me his history) this huge guy is made out of all coke crates and was constructed for the 2010 World Cup games and has been standing tall ever since--- I think the 2 of us truly look like a match made in heaven ;)


What occurred next ahhh yes of course, although I had carefully planned out how long packing/ eating would take me, I wouldnt truly be a Klein without running late ;) Dont worry, the girl who I was flying with, Alexa was running late as well so it wasnt a big deal, just more a typical Klein moment that was totally note worthy.

Alexa and I got to the airport with plenty of time to roam the shops near our gate at this time I should note that I was craving something sweet such as a McFlurry, but naturally (or rather unnaturallyas this more explains the treat I was seeking) there wasnt a McDonalds in my gate, so I had to settle on getting a milk shake from a South African fast food equivalent, Wimpys The moment of truth: my shake being handed to me, and CK having her first taste of South Africa (kinda, aside from the Wine lands, but just work with me here) what the heck this was no milkshakewas this some type of sick joke? I am pretty sure I received literally milk shaken up with a hint of vanilla taste. I am going to blame it on the hour that I ordered the shake (around 10:00 PM/ closing time) and hope that this isnt actually what South Africans consider to be a milkshake because if so, then the name of the restaurant, Wimpy certainly does fit their food quite well!

Side Note: Everyone should be proud of me because instead of going back to the restaurant and trying to sort out if this was my first taste of South African cuisine or if this was just a machine flaw--- I chose to cut my losses and just to suck it up (pun intended)!

Side Note to the Side Note: wow, with the past 2 puns in that story I am really making Henry, Andy, and Brad Klein proud! And certainly killing Jills hopes that CK would avoid the punny genes!

We made it to Johannesburg with no problem and were greeted by our tour guide, Anthony Chavkin. Alexa so wonderfully provided Travel Tip #1 for my South Africa blog in which if you are ever to be picked up by someone at the airport who you have never met before, be sure to have them provide their name to you before asking, excuse me sir, are you Anthony”… remember what I said in my last blog, you see the best an worst of humanity all in one moment, so sadly we always must keep our guard up!

Before heading to the bed and breakfast (where we were staying for the night) Anthony told us that he was going to pick up our friends who were out at a restaurant/ bar called the News Café. When we arrived at the News Café, I was shocked to discover how residential Johannesburg appeared-- from the books I had read and the news I had seen I expected to see a really run down city, but instead I saw the News Café was located in a shopping center, which reminded me a lot of the good ol Rockville, Maryland. Anthony explained to us that Johannesburg of course has its fair share of poverty/ unsafe areas, but also has a lot of nice parts to it much like anywhere in the US. As we waited in the parking lot for our friends to come back into our van, we only spotted Amanda oy vey where on earth were the others?! As Anthony rolled down the window, he knew exactly what was going to come out of Amandas mouth he spoke before she could even speak, Let me guess, you guys are all having so much fun and want to stay longer? Amanda just smiled and said yes! We love it here!!!! Anthony, typical Anthony (as you will read throughout this entry, the Chavkins went above and beyond the call of duty for the 8 of us, hence why I said, typical Anthony) told her that he had no problem just sitting in the van waiting for them as he was intent on us having an amazing experience in South Africa. Furthermore, he didnt feel comfortable having them take a cab ride home because if anything were to happen to any of them he would have never forgive himself.

Amanda then looked to us in the car and explained that we just had to come inside and meet all their new friends. Alexa and I looked at each other and said there was no way we were going to show up at this place in the outfits we were wearing (lets just say I wasnt looking my hottest in my sneakers, leggings, white v-neck, and no make-up), but before I knew it Alexa and I jumped on the bandwagon and were running across the parking lot ready to meet some hot South African guys!

Ahhh Amanda wasnt lying we had a blast! Although I was wearing the most un- going-out attire the South Africans literally didnt notice (or at least thats what they said awkward now that I think about it, were they lying to me?). The 8 of us were considered celebrities in the bar as we were constantly having people (and by people I mean South African guys with quite attractive accents!) come up to us to see if we were the Americans --- I kid you not, we were known as the Americans! Just to share one of the many the funny questions that we were asked: Are frat parties really like those we have seen in American Pie? What a great way to start our stay in South Africa!

I would say about an hour passed, before we all realized that we better get going as yes, AMAZING Anthony was still waiting in the parking lot for us. He of course claimed that he didnt care and was so happy that we had fun oy vey think about the pressure he had to impress a group of 8 American girls! Nice work Anthony ;)

We arrived to the Bed and Breakfast around 1:30 AM at which time we all went straight to bed the place was really cute as it had 3 condos (for anyone who is worried that the size of the condo would be comparable to Roys condo have no fear, they were much larger!) if you dont know who Roy is, then you clearly dont know CK well at allRoy= my poooochie aka my dog!

Day 2- Saturday February 25th

I woke up to the sound of a little boy with a South African accent going from condo to condo tapping on our front doors, Hello, hello are you awake? Hello? I was both confused and amused by the sound so I went to look out the door to my surprise there was this adorable kid about 7 years old in a polo shirt and khaki shorts. Who on earth was he? As soon as he saw a creature emerge, he went running to my door Now mind you, my door was locked so I was peering at him through a glass screen door and at this point had to find the key to unlock the door, but of course thats no easy task when the doors use the old fashion kind of keys! Oy vey once I finally locate the key, I have to have a darn 7 year-old coax me through how to unlock the door hey now buddy, its 7:30 in the morning cut me some slack!

I literally felt like the scene could have come straight out of a movie because as soon as I opened the door, the boy comes running into my room and the first thing out of his mouth is Oy its a mess in here! (my entire suitcase was sprawled over the ground! Yet another buzz kill, being told by a 7 year-old boy that I am messy!) Eccckkk

I obviously am loving it that this kid is running around our condo pointing out things here and there and then before I know it he is gone! No explanation, no nothing!!! At this point I am deducing ahhh yes, he must just be another guest staying at the Bed and Breakfast

I finally get him to stand still for a moment and he smiles and announces, Hi, Im Alex! alright great but who the heck are you and where do you fit into the picture of my safari?! He then explains that Anthony is his father and he will be joining us on our safari at this point, I am STOKED!

Alex is actually the cutest kid ever despite what the rest of my fellow safari-ers might tell you (aka the other 7 girls werent quite as amused by Alex as I was)to the Greenberg children who hold a VERY near and dear place in my heart, I would beware because Alex has a South African accent which gives him MANY extra brownie points ;) Alright alright, you dont actually have to worry, my heart is big enough for the 4 of you!

It ended up that we were not only traveling with Alex and Anthony, but also Elaine, Anthonys wife. Just to keep everyone in the loop the way in which we connected with the Chavkins:

·        Anthonys sister is Hillary
·        Hillary now lives in Michigan
·        Michigan - Amanda and Hannahs are from there
·        Amanda and Hannah were in playgroup (and are still great family friends with) Hillarys son

Now that I realize your playgroup could actually have international members, I feel that my playgroup was really slacking sorry Hannah, Nicole, Matthew and Jessie please try to be more worldly in life!  

The ride up to Kruger Park was apparently really long, but typical CK fashion, I slept the entire car ride which was stellar! Gotta love my fine ability to be able to conk out in a car ride just about anytime, but never be able to sleep through the night go figure. Before entering Kruger we stopped at a supermarket to get a few snacks before making our way into The Wild. It just so happened that the supermarket, Spar, was the same store that I had done a group project on for my Operations Management class. I love when your studies come to life!

By around 2:00 PM we were all settling into our little lodges within the gates of Kruger. The way that the park works is that you can either be a day visitor or else you can stay on the property of the park at one of the hotels. I think that most are set up the same way as ours in which there are numerous lodges that people can rent along with camp sites where you could pitch a tent. One additional piece of information that is probably relevant is the size of Kruger... my friend Katie and I were all excited that perhaps we would run into each other at Kruger, that is until we found out that Kruger actually is the size of Israel--- our hopes and dreams of becoming one with nature together were immediately crushed! Kruger extends into Botswanna and Mozambique (apparently these are the 2 countries where you can do some serious safari-ing)

After enjoying the AC for a little while, it was time for Game Drive Number 1 for my own sanity, I am going to pick some of my favorite pictures of the animals that I took and post them throughout this blog post, if you want to see more once I return home you are more than welcome, but I have far too many good photos to post them all considering the extreme slownessss of my internet! 

We arrived back to our lodge by 6:30 PM and were all ready for a nice shower and some dinner. Another minor side note, if you stay on the Kruger property, you must be back onto your hotel property by 6:30 PM so as not to get eaten alive by the animals since it begins to get dark at this point. They actually have an electrical fenced gate that apparently if you walk through will electrocute you guess they feel its better to be electrocuted than eaten by a lion? Whicht would you rather?

Day 3- Sunday February 26th (Jennas 21st Birthday which I sadly wasnt there to celebrate with her)

On Sunday we woke up around 8:30, had some breakfast and once again were out for the day doing Game Drive Number 2! At first all of us were a bit bummed out that we didnt get to experience a real safari because we drove around in a white van so we only had a few windows to take photos from, but then I think we all came to our senses as we quickly worked out a system
·        Carly and Michelle needed to have good seats since they had the legit cameras
·        Amanda, Alana, Alexa, CK would snap shots at the really exciting parts since we didnt have the huge cameras
·        Leah and Hannah sat in the back since their cameras are no longer with us
o   Hannah has successfully lost/ broken 2 cameras on the trip (touchy subject so I shall not joke too much more on the topic)
o   Leah lost her phone and camera in Ghana, but was touched by an angel as her taxi driver in Ghana turned them in and then shipped them to our port in Cape Town (so she picked them up once we got back to Cape Town)

Furthermore, at great photo opts, we would open up our van door and then all crowd around to take pictures... Finally, since Anthony was awesome, we did some total illegal nonsense (well okay, not me, but Carly and Michelle) got actually out of the car at some points to take even better pictures of the animals! Okay, okay there was this one time that we all legit got out of the car to take a group photo ;)

Now for some of my encountering with the animals--- at points where I totally and completely was speaking to them (duh, Im Eliza Thornberry)
1.      We saw this elephant from across a pond/ shallow body of water who was just hanging out all by himself. Out of no where (but of course somewhere because I totally told the elephant to do so), he decides to walk across the pond and take a nice bath! It was sooooo cool watching him bathe and then come out of the water and be even closer to us

2.      All of us were only paying attention to these elephants and giraffes interacting with one another, when all of the sudden Amanda turns around and we hear terror in her voice, Anthony, Anthony DRIVE DRIVE THE CAR--- there is ahhh a herd of elephants coming at us! At this point we all turn around to find an entire family of elephants just crossing the road--- totally oblivious to all of us.

3.      Rhinos crossing the road and then our safari jeep chasing after them I have a really cute video of this happening ;) This actually occurred when we were in the actual safari cheep ride (so once again youll understand more of that as I explain in a bit)

After getting REALLY distracted by all the animals, we eventually realized that we were all hungry so we stopped at a picnic area. Elaine and Anthony had prepared a delicious South African lunch for us---complete with fresh mango--- yum yum yum! No rest stop would be complete without a gift shop Hannah, Amanda, and I wanted to pretend we were animals:

By the time we got back to our lodge it was around 4:45 PM and we had another game drive at 5:30 this is one that was done by the Hotel park rangers and therefore allows you to go out from 5:30-8:30 PM in one of those safari jeeps. Originally, we were all adamant that we participate in both a morning and night game drive mainly because:
1.      We felt that we may be missing safari experience by driving around in a van and not in an open air jeep vehicle
2.      Thought maybe the park rangers would use their magical powers to locate animals that we couldnt find on our own (lions, cheetahs, buffalo--- of course this didnt happen!)

Now that I look back, I realize that we should have listened to Anthony when he said that it wouldnt be worth it, as Anthony does know all Of course, like typical American girls we all were too stubborn to admit to Anthony that he was in fact correct--- so if Anthony you are reading this, then here is my apology for not listening to you!

While the 8 of us went on our game drive, Elaine, Anthony and Alex prepared a traditional (and delicious!) South African meal for us! Not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but the lodges included an outside charcoal grill and patio furniture so once we finished our game drive, we were greeted by a lavish feast. We had scrumptious meat kabobs, some vegetable side dishes, freshly toasted pita with humus, and finally the traditional South African dish called Pap which is a stiff, fluffy, porridge of maize meal (basically a mix between mashed potatoes and grits).

After a long day, we were in bed by 10:30ish with the knowledge Monday would bring an unearthly wake up time of 4:30 AM so we could be at our game drive by 5:00 AM.

Day 4- Monday February 27th
Brrrring brrrring briiiiinnnng I woke on Monday morning utterly and completely confused on my where abouts as my alarm was vibrating around 4:30 AM (the funny part is for all you Eastern Standard Timers--- I was waking up for my day before you had even gone to bed and that includes my mother and fathers bed time! Well, I guess not quite it was around 9:30 PM your time). I actually remember shooting up in my bed and then trying to take in my surroundings while wracking my brain--- WHERE AM I?! Then I came to my senses that ahhh yes, I was in Kruger!

We got a little lost walking to the jeep tour meeting station and nearly missed the entire safari--- selfishly, I was hoping that we would have missed the game drive because I was still half asleep, so walking back to my lodge to get a few more zzzzzzzzzz was sounding pretty darn good! Not to worry, we made it in the knick of time as the jeep was literally right about to pull out of the lot. Bummer MAJOR (I mean)

The morning game drive was a lot of fun, for the parts that I saw Im just going to be honest and admit that I napped for a good portion of the game drive, at least I was getting fresh air!? Like an idiot I didnt take into account that mornings in Africa are in fact quite chilly, thus pants and a blanket would have been ideal (I was in a sweatshirt and shorts). We did however witness some hyenas, which might I add are terrifying --- just like in the Lion King!

By 9:00 AM we were out of Kruger Park--- sadly we were headed to Johannsburg and then flying back to Cape Town. Not too much to report about the ride back just quality bonding with my Best Friend Alex. Apparently Elaine snapped a precious picture of Alex sleeping on my shoulder cant wait to post that picture once I get it from Elaine. We also did some gimping (gimp= lanyard if you dont know what Im referencing, then you are clearly missing out on life, either google the term or else run to your nearest craft store ASAP and ask for a spool of gimp Gimp= a CK favorite pastime and am minorly offended that you are unaware of the term). It was actually really interesting because the gimp in South Africa is rounded and has a hole in the middle unlike the gimp I know and love (flat) to my Timber Tops Crew, I am now kicking myself for not grabbing a few spools of the gimp to bring some of South Africa to camp this summer. ARRRG! 

We arrived to the airport EARLY, which let me just tell you is SUCH a strange concept to any Klein member. I really didnt know how to handle myself ended up just following along with my friends as they all did some errand shopping. Grrrr for no free wifi!

The airline that we flew, Kulula Airlines actually puts even South West airlines to shame (mind you, Im a huge fan of South West--- free checked bags, friendly service, and no nasty airline food--- whats not to love?!). However, Kulula staff were so funny and candid on their announcements to us over the PA system bahhh wish I could remember what they said, but it wasnt just me laughing at their jokes, it was everyone so hopefully that validates the humor a little bit!?

One thing I do remember is that they instructed everyone to turn and introduce themselves to their neighbor On this flight, I had the potential to chit-chat, but that would require a nap in order to take off the edge. I politely introduced myself to my neighbor, Imtiaaz and then dosed off. Probably 5 minutes into my nap I decided that I was just a bit too cold so I woke up to turn off my air conditioning, as I was about to close my eyes, I made eye contact with Imtiaaz. At this point without a moments hesitation he offered me his jacket! Alright people what is it that makes strangers offer their jackets to me on airplanes? I know for a fact that I go for the I just fell out of a tree look when traveling, but does the reaction to such a look evoke the I feel sorry for you, I should hand over my jacket emotion?! Hmmm if so, perhaps I should try this look more often, as it seems to be pretty effective! (If you are confused about my reference to a past airplane experience, please see my post on Rio)

Once I was well rested/ rejuvenated, I stroked up a conversation with Imtiaaz alright alright Ill be honest, he stroked up the conversation, but we ended up chatting for a long time. He was really curious about SAS and provided tips on his personal must sees in Cape Town. We then also got into talking about perceptions of one anothers countries and other worldly topics. Imtiaaz was so kind as before heading off the plane he wanted to make sure that my friends and I had a ride back to the ship. Additionally he was saddened to hear that I would only be in Cape Town thru Wednesday as he really would have loved to have my friends and I over his house for traditional South African cuisine although I have already discovered that there are both wonderful and awful people in this world, I am always delighted by my reaction to the wonderful people. Each time I meet someone like Imtiaaz, I stop and notice a smile on my face--- there is a sudden realization that perhaps this world is full of people with huge hearts after all.

Monday night concluded with a night out in Cape Town and a Sari Meltzer spotting! For those of you who dont know Sari, she is a family friend and currently studying at the University of Cape Town, which might I add has a BEAUTIFUL campus. Sari and I had been trying to meet up with one another when I was in Cape Town, but after comparing our schedules it appeared that there wasnt going to be a time when we could meet up that being said, it was so much better running into Sari so randomly! We both were super excited and of course had to document the run in.

Tuesday February 28th- Megan Bermans 21st Birthday!
On Tuesday morning, I was reunited and traveling with the newly 21-year-old, Jenna Rose Binkhorst (I sadly missed celebrating her birthday on the 26th). Our plan for Tuesday was originally to go with friends to the wine lands and do a bike tour, however we ended up being too late to do a biking wine tour as they all begin at 9:00 AM and sadly it was already 10:00 I was actually happy that we ended up being too late because although I of course would have loved to go to the wine lands again, I felt that in such a limited amount of time I should really see another aspect of South Africa--- the only reason I was tagging along was because everyone else I had spoken to was either on field trips or on safaris, etc so I was stuck in the mud! Unfortunately one of the hardest parts about being a girl on this trip is not feeling comfortable traveling solo in these countries whereas males can go freely (as many of my friends will admit, this fact kills me as I hate not being able to be independent!)

My friends ended up booking a tour of Cape Town by bike. I would have been totally fine doing that, however Jenna wasnt feeling it and I had been fixated on going to the Cape of Good Hope, thus we decided to do our own thing and potentially meet up with our friends at the end of the day. This is the great thing about a program like SAS--- first and foremost my friends were of course sad that we werent biking with them, but were in no way mad that we didnt want to come. Additionally it really teaches you to be your own person and do/ see what you want If you feel passionate about seeing something, then take matters into your own hands and make it happen! (I probably sound a bit of a hypocrite saying that considering I was almost going to bike through the wine lands, but thats only because I didnt have a fellow travel mate).

After much debate Jenna and I ended up booking a tour of the Cape of Good Hope in the afternoon, which left the morning to kill. We decided to buy tickets for the double-decker tour buses. For those of you who arent familiar with these buses they are a great way to tour a city because they have a pre-arranged list of stops and a recorded tour guide talking about what you see as you drive by that you can listen to I was a bit nervous for the ride as a result of my last 2 experiences on double-decker buses:

1994- San Francisco, I really had to pee so I peed off the side of the bus!
2010- the Klein family toured Barcelona and at one point all 4 of us fell asleep causing us to miss our stop and get quite sun burned ;)

This time, I was ready to succeed made sure to limit my liquid intake for the morning along with setting various alarms to help me stay awake! The trip went according to plan aside from the fact that we ended up only getting off at one stop (stop number 4), the Green Market and didnt end up getting to see much else of Cape Town can you blame us? The market was a wonderful open-air market full of all sorts of crafts made by local artists all across Africa. Although it is wonderful that people come from many different countries in Africa to sell their art work, it is actually causing a problem for the local South African artists because it makes more competition for them. I made a conscious effort to only buy authentic South African craft work to try to help to locals Below is a picture of what the market looked like:

Jenna and I eventually made it back to the bus around 12:45, but needed to be back at the start of the route by 2:00 PM to make it for our Cape of Good Hope Tour. We got on the bus and then as we were sitting there began to do the math in our head only to realize that there was no way we would make it back in time for our tour! At probably the 10th stop we spoke to the driver who told us that from the current stop it would take a good hour and a half for us to get back to the start oy vey! We kept ourselves calm, cool, and collect and managed to navigate our way back to the Green Market in hopes of finding a place to eat lunch and also call the tour operator to see if they would be able to pick us up from here instead. I am happy to note our plan worked out smoothly and by 2:00 PM we had eaten a lovely lunch and were in the van on our way to the Cape of Good Hope.

The tour ended up being a semi-private tour as it was just Jenna and me with a couple from Canada. From the start Jenna was a bit irritable with the couple because as soon as said we were on a program called Semester at Sea, the husband replied, OOOO I have heard about that I hear all you do is party while on board. This immediately pissed Jenna off, so for the entire tour she made every effort to appear super smart to the guy THATS MY GIRL ;)

Our tour included a trip to Boulder Beach to see the Penguins. At the beach, the penguins roam freely as they just waddle about, kinda felt like I was watching the Happy Feet Movie here is a picture of some of the penguins.  

Sadly, it began to rain/ get really cloudy as we were looking at the Penguins which was a major bummer because the drive to the Penguins and the Cape are really beautiful drives so the fog made it difficult to see anything far away Not to worry, the fog cleared out by the time we got to the Cape of Good Hope, so the photo-opt was wonderful! While driving to the Cape, one comes across hundreds of what I now consider to be one of earths most terrifying creatures the baboons! Over time the baboons have become so accustomed to humans invading their habitat/ being fed by humans that they have actually figured out how to open our car doors they will even rob you of your backpack--- once again in hopes of getting some food. It sounds like a joke, but it is actually a serious issue they now have to kill some of the baboons because they are such a violent animal and have hurt people as they attempt to steal bags and other belongings!

Not sure if you can make it out in the picture below, but the Cape is the South Western tip of Africa. Now for the funny coincidence there was a couple doing head stands/ yoga-esque poses in front of the Cape sign. After they finished posing, Jenna and I began chatting it up with them only to find out that they both teach at the same exact yoga studio that Jenna goes to in Boston of all chances how weird is that!?

Our day concluded with another wonderful night out in Cape Town. Jenna and I had a rather romantic dinner at the V&A waterfront. Yum yum yum! I ordered delicious sushi, while Jenna was a bit braver than me and actually ordered a South African delicacy Springbok (antelope)! Ill admit that I actually did try a bite and it was quite tasty. After dinner we made our way over to Long Street---very comparable to Athens, Georgia night scene meaning lots and lots of bars! Jennas good friend from home was also studying abroad at the University of Cape Town so we met up with her and she was able to show us the night life in Cape Town. After a jam packed day we made it back to the ship around 12:30 AM and we were pooped!

Wednesday- February 29 (David Loweys 6th birthday/ 24th birthday and LEAP YEAR!)

My last day in Cape Town was spent visiting a HIV/AIDS hospital for children; this was a particularly eye-opening experience. The hospital provides a comfortable home with food and even gives out toys to the sick children while they undergo their treatment. HIV/AIDS is a really big problem in South Africa as approximately 930 people are diagnosed each day! It was especially sad to hear from the woman in charge, Nolean, that for many of these children, living in the hospital is much better conditions compared to what they are used to at their homes. Many of them dont have delicious meals to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, nor do they sleep in a comfortable bed at night thus living at the hospital is actually better. One of the most memorable parts about my time at the hospital were the closing lines by Nolean, Every person can make a difference, you might not feel like you are making a difference because you are just a small student, but really 1 person has the potential to change millions of peoples lives. I hope that for those of you who do not believe in the power of serving those in need, you take a moment and consider modifying your philosophy think about how fortunate you are compared to those around you and understand that it doesnt take much effort to help someone in need.

After the field trip, I came back to the boat, and was upset because I had about 4 hours until I needed to be back at the ship, but I didn't want to waste away the time at the water front like I had on Friday. I really wanted to make good use of the time... I ended up wandering around the ship and found a group of girls that I am friendly with, but not BFF with who were leaving. I yelled to one of them to see where they were going and it just so happened that they were on their way to Table Mountain!!! I was so proud of myself because I invited myself along with them and it was a lot of fun (again, this is what SAS is all about). We sadly didn't have enough time to actually hike the mountain, but I did get to take in the UNBELIEVABLE VIEWS--- couldnt have asked for a better way to leave South Africa!

My 6 days in South Africa were amazing amazing amazing and I along with the rest of the ship were so sad to leave. Where in the World will CK be next? Headed to Mauritius or was supposed to be headed to Mauritius (off the coast of Madagascar) I say supposed to be headed to Mauritius because it just so happens that we are currently caught between 2 tropical storms so we are now unable to go to Mauritius! The water is really rough so they have had to travel a different way to get us to Mauritius giving us only enough time to re-fuel and then continue on our way to India unfortunately we are supposed to get in at 10:00 pm and then they want to leave by 2:00 AM so there is not enough time for us to get off the boat and then get back on I shall keep you posted on what actually ends up happening (I am writing after going to Mauritius, so the story actually ends well, but would rather leave you all on the cliff hanger ending for now) your trivia question for INDIA shall come in my Mauritius post!

ADIOS for now from the INDIAN OCEAN. 

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