Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Note to the reader: this blog post was intended to be before the post about Brazil... due to technical difficulties somehow it did not upload..... so let's try again

After returning from Brazil the waters became rough, and I kid you not, I saw my death bed lie before me.  I wrestled with the following options:

1.     Book a flight home from Ghana… red eye to BWI that so has to be accessible!
·      Proof of my thinking from an excerpt of an email that the lovely Jenna wrote to Jilly: She's half kidding-ly talking about finding a flight home from Ghana, but don't worry, I'll take care of her and get her feeling better by then. --- please note, I didnt ask her to write the second part of this statement… perhaps I should hire a new scribe???

2.     Jump off the boat and re-enact the book, Life of Pi (for those who have not read this book, you are truly missing out… purchase immediately)

·      I then remembered the ocean is 12,000 feet and came to terms with the fact that I am terrified of drowning and this is a fear I am not about to overcome on this voyage… thus this option wasnt a good idea

3.     Hustle my way down to the Captain and demand that he S-L-O-W this damn boat down

      This option seemed the most legitimate, but I couldnt muster the energy! (Serious sign that I must be sick if I wasn’t willing to have an argument)

In all seriousness, I was catching up on sleep on Saturday and Sunday and then on Monday actually was sea-sick. As proof, I slept for a total of 18 hours and skipped a class. If you truly know Caryn Alyse Klein, you know that something MUST be wrong for her to sleep that long and miss a class.  

In case that still isn’t enough proof for you, the waves were apparently 10 feet tall! As Andy Klein noted to me, “I’m waving to you babe”… my response. STOP WAVING IMMEDIATELY!

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